Become a member

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Help our community understand local climate impacts and inspire hope for a resilient future!

Members are individuals or businesses whose generous support of $1,000 or more helps CAC to grow, respond to new opportunities, enhance our capabilities and invest in innovation. Members are invited to informative, exciting events and briefings, and receive frequent email updates on CAC’s work.

The Climate Adaptation Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your contribution is tax-deductible.

Contributions by CAC Members and others fund the development of the Climate Adaptation Center, and its ongoing efforts to build a curated collection of state of the art climate-related science, focused on Florida’s climate issues. Your contributions help us bring renowned experts to Sarasota to meet with community leaders in academia, business and government to help develop local solutions to adapt to the changing climate and mitigate its effects.

There are five levels of membership involvement, corresponding to the five categories of hurricane intensity. As for hurricanes, membership impact increases from Category 1 through to Category 5. However, unlike hurricanes, the benefits of CAC membership increase from Category 1 through Category 5. All members receive our heartfelt gratitude for helping the CAC and our community!

Category 1 – $1,000

Members receive tickets to our headline event — the annual Florida Climate Forecast Conference. Members receive our monthly newsletter plus members-only special updates. Category 1 members are honored in the annual Conference Program.

Category 2 – $2,000

Members receive tickets to our headline event — the annual Florida Climate Forecast Conference. Members receive our monthly newsletter plus members-only special updates. The contributions of Category 2 members are honored in the annual Conference Program and recognized from the conference podium. Category 2 members receive an invitation for two to attend the exclusive pre-conference event.

Category 3 – $3,000

Members receive tickets to our headline event — the annual Florida Climate Forecast Conference. Members receive our monthly newsletter plus members-only special updates. The contributions of Category 3 members are honored in the annual Conference Program and recognized from the conference podium. Category 3 members receive an invitation for four to attend the exclusive pre-conference event.

Category 4 – $4,000

Members receive tickets to our headline event — the annual Florida Climate Forecast Conference. Members receive our monthly newsletter plus members-only special updates. The contributions of Category 4 members are honored in the annual Conference Program and recognized from the conference podium. Category 4 members receive an invitation for four to attend the exclusive pre-conference event. Category 4 members receive an invitation to the private post-Conference dinner event, hosted by Bob Bunting, CEO, Climate Adaptation Center.

Category 5 – $5,000

Members receive tickets to our headline event — the annual Florida Climate Forecast Conference. Members receive our monthly newsletter plus members-only special updates. The contributions of Category 5 members are honored in the annual Conference Program and recognized from the conference podium. Category 5 members receive an invitation for four to attend the exclusive pre-conference event. Category 5 members receive an invitation to the private post-Conference dinner event, hosted by Bob Bunting, CEO, Climate Adaptation Center. Category 5 members also receive a private group briefing by CAC senior staff.

Become a CAC Member Today

Join our growing CAC Members group by completing the Membership form, or contact Bob Bunting, CEO, Climate Adaptation Center, to discuss using Donor Advised Funds, bank transfers or other ways to make your gift. Contact us to learn more.

If you prefer to mail in your membership contribution, please address your correspondence to: Climate Adaptation Center, Inc., 111 S. Pineapple Ave., Suite 911, Sarasota, Florida 34236. (Make sure that we have your email address so we can include you in our CAC Members group communications.)